Committed to fostering future leaders in the ever-evolving digital landscape

Comprehensive courses designed to inspire and empower learners of all ages

Our training programs extend to audiences ranging from Primary schools to Universities, from NGO to Listed Companies

90% Up Student 🙂

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Reasonable Service Fee

Value added service

Who collaborates with us?

For Schools and Universities

Education through Digital Platforms

Students engage in an interactive and immersive learning journey utilizing digital platforms such as Roblox, Unity, and Minecraft, seamlessly integrating gamification and blended learning into traditional educational frameworks

For Non-Profit Organization

Revolutionizing Donor Engagement and Fundraising

The adoption of digital trends is revolutionizing the non-profit sector, offering opportunities for improved community management, more effective donor engagement, and streamlined donation processes.

For Enterprises

Digital Transformation from Strategy to Implementation

Digital transformation training empowers enterprises to harness the potential of emerging technologies, such as Metaverse, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, FinTech and Big Data, driving efficiency, innovation, and growth.

Why Everyone Should Learn to Code?

Coding teaches us to think logically and fosters a problem-solving mindset. This critical thinking can be beneficial in all areas of life. By learning to code, you can take control of your digital presence, create your own websites, apps, and more. You become a creator, not just a consumer.

"Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think."

Steve Jobs

Co-founder of Apple Inc.

"Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better, creates a way of thinking about things that I think is helpful in all domains."

Bill Gates

Co-founder of Microsoft

"In fifteen years we'll be teaching programming just like reading and writing... and wondering why we didn't do it sooner."

Mark Zuckerberg

Co-founder of Facebook

"Coding is very important when you think about the future, the future where everything is going."

Chris Bosh

Former NBA player, and coding advocate

Master the technology:

Gamified Blended Learning

Framework for Coding Education

We believe in learning by doing and collaborating, making education more fun, and engaging. This framework is segmented into six strategic stages:

Gaining Real-World Experience in a Company

The final stage of our framework involves placing you in a real company environment, either virtually or physically. This will allow you to experience and adapt to the professional world of coding.

Learning by Doing Real-Life Examples

The best way to solidify your knowledge is by applying it. In this stage, we'll dive into real-life examples and projects to make learning more interactive and practical.

Cultivating Computational Thinking

Before diving into actual code, you'll start by developing a foundation in computational thinking.

Collaborative Learning with Teammates

Coding is often a team effort. In this stage, you'll learn how to work effectively as part of a team, enhancing not just your coding skills, but also your communication and collaboration skills.

Programming Language Selection

Choosing the right programming language to learn first can shape your future coding journey. We'll provide guidance to help you make the right choice.

Mastering Coding Logics and Algorithms

Now, it's time to dive into the heart of coding, where you will learn how to implement your computational thinking skills into tangible code using logic and algorithms.

Bring a unique application to life?

Tell us what can we help!

Designing a captivating mobile game like Among Us?

Unity, Roblox, Minecraft

Creating a user-friendly website like Airbnb?

NextJS, ReactJS, Bootstrap

Developing a helpful mobile app like Duolingo appealing?

Google Flutter, React Native

Our Global Presence

We believe that geographical boundaries should not limit access to quality education. Hence, we have established a robust presence across the globe, with physical training locations in three vibrant cities: Hong Kong, Singapore, and Vancouver. For learners who cannot attend our physical classes or prefer the comfort and convenience of home-based learning, we provide comprehensive online training. Our online training sessions are conducted via Zoom or Team

Hong Kong

Metropolis where Eastern and Western cultures blend


Efficient infrastructure, multicultural society, and thriving economy


Natural beauty, diverse culture, and outdoor recreational opportunities


Global network of interconnected parties

Online Platform

Given the increasing demand from schools, businesses, and individual learners alike, we're thrilled to announce that our online learning platform is on its way! We're dedicated to making coding education accessible to everyone, anywhere in the world. This self-learning platform will empower you to take charge of your coding education journey. So stay tuned, because exciting things are coming your way soon!

Trends Update

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